
Sinonimi is an opensource software to search for synonyms in different languages.
It is designed to be integrated in a web portal, based on PHP 5.x or later.


Find synonyms via web browser

The search engine included in Sinonimi supports the following languages: italian, english, french, deutsch and espaņol. The user has to specify the word and the language, then press the search button to get all the synonyms related to a word.
The script supports also an automatic update of the web page, if no specific word was set.
When no word is specified, the page is refreshed every six seconds by an AJAX based feature. Javascript has to be enabled in order to run this additional feature.

Word to search:
Application support

Remote applications can retrieve synonyms using web interface that will return either XML or JSON results.

Here is a screenshot of the user interface:

user interface

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A live demo is available here, integrated in my web portal!